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Volume 4, Issue 2

Note: The compiled PDF is not available for this volume. Individual article PDFs are linked below:


Richard M. Buxbaum

Obstacles Facing International Arbitration

Ibrahim F.I. Shihata

The International Chamber of Commerce Court of Arbitration

Michel Gaudet

ICSID Arbitration Proceedings

Georges R. Delaume

Is a New Practice Emerging from the Experience of the American Arbitration Association?

Michael F. Hoellering

The Role of Conciliation, Contract Modification and Expert Appraisal in Settling International Commercial Disputes

Sigvard Jarvin

AALCC Dispute Settlement and the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules

B. Sen

Arbitration Under the Auspices of the Cairo Regional Centre for Commercial Arbitration

Aboul Enein

Applying the UNCITRAL Rules: The Experience of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal

Karl-Heinz Bockstiegel

Commercial Arbitration in CMEA Member Countries

Vladimir S. Pozdnjakov

The Settlement of Disputes in the Arab World: Arbitration and Other Methods

Samir A. Saleh

Arbitration in Latin America: The Experience of the Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission

Rafael Eyzaguirre

A Path to Resources on International Commercial Arbitration 1980-1986

Joni T. Hiramoto

UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules

ICSID Rules of Procedure for Arbitration Proceedings (Arbitration Rules)

Rules of the American Arbitration Association

Rules for the ICC Court of Arbitration

Uniform Rules of Procedure in the Arbitration Courts at the Chambers of Commerce of the CMEA Countries Dated February 28, 1974

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