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Volume 22, Issue 3

Click the PDF button above to access the full volume. Individual article PDFs are linked below:

Jefferson Memorial Lecture - Transnational Legal Process After September 11th

Harold Hongju Koh

The Case for International Antitrust

Andrew Guzman

The New Bush National Security Doctrine and the Rule of Law

Winston P. Nagan & Craig Hammer

The Problems of Security and Freedom: Procedural Due Process and the Designation of Foreign Terrorist Organizations Under the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act

Eric Broxmeyer

Crimes Against Humanity as a Nexus of Individual and State Responsibility: Why the ICJ Got Belgium v. Congo Wrong

Adam Day

Making State Sponsors of Terrorism Pay: A Separation of Powers Discourse Under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act

Jeewon Kim

The Last Bastion of Sovereign Immunity: A Comparative Look at Immunity from Execution of Judgments

Jeremy Ostrander

Iraq's Delictual and Contractual Liabilities: Would Politics or International Law Provide for Better Resolution of Successor State Responsibility?

Volinka Reina

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