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Volume 24, Issue 1

Note: The compiled PDF is not available for this volume. Individual article PDFs are linked below:

The Era of Multilateral Occupation

Grant T. Harris

Power, Linkage and Accommodation: The WTO As an International Actor and its Influence on Other Actors and Regimes

Claire R. Kelly

Legal Orders and their Manifestation: The Operation of the International Commercial and Financial Legal Order and its Lex Mercatoria

J.H. Dalhuisen

Has International Law Hit the Wall - An Analysis of International Law in Relation to Israel's Separation Barrier

Sarah Williams

Making Itself a Home - Understanding Foreign Law in Domestic Jurisprudence: The Indian Case

Adam M. Smith

Supremacy and Diplomacy: The International Law of the U.S. Supreme Court

Harlan Grant Cohen

Belonging: Citizenship and Migration in the European Union and in Germany

Helen Elizabeth Hartnell

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