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Volume 27, Issue 2

Click the PDF button above to access the full volume. Individual article PDFs are linked below:

The Trust in Indicators: Measuring Human Rights

AnnJanette Rosga & Margaret L. Satterthwaie

Whether Foreigner or Alien: A New Look at the Original Language of the Alien Tort Statute

M. Anderson Berry

Second Wives' Club: Mapping the Impact of Polygamy in U.S. Immigration Law

Claire A. Smearman

Has the CISG Advisory Council Come of Age?

Joshua D. Karton & Lorraine de Germiny

Multilateralizing Investment Treaties Through Most-Favored-Nation Clauses

Stephan W. Schill

The Community Referendum: Participatory Democracy and the Right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent to Development

Brant McGee

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