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Volume 33, Issue 2

Click the PDF button above to access the full volume. Individual article PDFs are linked below:

Energy Investment Disputes in Latin America: The Pursuit of Stability

Elisabeth Eljuri and Clovis Trevino

Bottomfeeding: How the USDA's Noodling with Catfish Regulations Violates the United States' WTO Obligations

Chelsea Fernandez Gold

"We Didn't Want to Hear the Word 'Calories'": Rethinking Food Security, Food Power, and Food Sovereignty -- Lessons From the Gaza Closure

Aeyal Gross and Tamar Feldman

A Model Rule for Excluding Improperly or Unconstitutionally Obtained Evidence

Mike Madden

The World Bank Group's Human Rights Obligations Under the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

Meghan Natenson

Searching for the Right to Truth: The Impact of International Human Rights Law on National Transitional Justice Policies

Sam Szoke-Burke

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